SICP Exercise 3.37 expression oriented style

Exercise 3.37.  The celsius-fahrenheit-converter procedure is cumbersome when compared with a more expression-oriented style of definition, such as

(define (celsius-fahrenheit-converter x)
  (c+ (c* (c/ (cv 9) (cv 5))
      (cv 32)))
(define C (make-connector))
(define F (celsius-fahrenheit-converter C))

Here c+c*, etc. are the ``constraint'' versions of the arithmetic operations. For example, c+ takes two connectors as arguments and returns a connector that is related to these by an adder constraint:

(define (c+ x y)
  (let ((z (make-connector)))
    (adder x y z)

Define analogous procedures c-c*c/, and cv (constant value) that enable us to define compound constraints as in the converter example above.


The code is here.


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