SICP Exercise 3.26 make-table generalized with ordered keys
Exercise 3.26. To search a table as implemented above, one needs to scan through the list of records. This is basically the unordered list representation of section 2.3.3. For large tables, it may be more efficient to structure the table in a different manner. Describe a table implementation where the (key, value) records are organized using a binary tree, assuming that keys can be ordered in some way (e.g., numerically or alphabetically). (Compare exercise 2.66 of chapter 2.)
The code and tests are here.
The code and tests are here.
This took more time than I expected probably because of the number of interruptions I had to handle while working on this problem. My approach was to replace the list data structure from the previous exercise with a binary tree. This was not straightforward because in the previous (Exercise 3.25) implementation there is no clean separation between the procedure "make-table" and the list data structure that it uses. Operations such as 'get-first-key-value-pair' and 'get-remaining-key-value-pairs' do not make sense for a binary-tree. So I had to redo all of this. So it was a good opportunity to introduce a clean separation between the table object and the binary-tree structure that it uses to store its key-value pairs. This is exactly what I did. So the generic table level operations like lookup, insert!, find-key-value-pair etc. make no assumptions about the underlying data structure. Instead they use the message passing strategy to invoke operations on the binary-tree objects which exist in the generic table.
For key ordering I have used string comparisons. However, the 'same', 'less-than' and 'greater-than' operations are passed in as parameters to the make-table procedure so make-table is agnostic to how the keys are ordered.
For key ordering I have used string comparisons. However, the 'same', 'less-than' and 'greater-than' operations are passed in as parameters to the make-table procedure so make-table is agnostic to how the keys are ordered.
I liked the idea of procedures with local state so I continued to use this technique to implement the binary-tree. I found the encapsulation that this technique gives, quite useful because it allowed me to think of the table and its contents as objects with operations within them.
I re-wrote the monolithic print procedure from the previous exercise and distributed the print work across the three objects: generic table, binary tree and key-value-pair. This made it a little clunky to handle the indentations while printing different levels in the generic table but overall, I think this is a huge improvement over the way I wrote the solution for Exercise 3.25.
I am a stickler for separation of concerns and clean interfaces. In this problem, the generic table contains binary trees which in turn contain key-value pairs. The key-value pair objects contain generic tables themselves in order to allow an arbitrary number of keys for any value. This circular relationship made the print procedure a little unclean as you can see where I call the procedure "print-generic-table"
As you can see in the tests below, my generic table implementation works pretty well. It allows values to be stored under an arbitrary number of keys, different values may be stored under different numbers of keys and since I use a binary tree to store the values, both the lookups and inserts have a time complexity of (Theta(log n)) where n is the number of elements at a given level in the multi-level table.
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