SICP Exercise 2.96 pseudoremainder
Exercise 2.96. a. Implement the procedure pseudoremainder-terms , which is just like remainder-terms except that it multiplies the dividend by the integerizing factor described above before calling div-terms . Modify gcd-terms to use pseudoremainder-terms , and verify that greatest-common-divisor now produces an answer with integer coefficients on the example in exercise 2.95 . b. The GCD now has integer coefficients, but they are larger than those of P 1 . Modify gcd-terms so that it removes common factors from the coefficients of the answer by dividing all the coefficients by their (integer) greatest common divisor. SOLUTION The code is here: Exercise 2.96 pseudoremainder Both part a and b of the exercise are verified in the tests. The final result is equal to polynomial P1 from exercise 2.95.