SICP Exercise 4.18 a alternative strategy for interpreting internal definitions
Exercise 4.18. Consider an alternative strategy for scanning out definitions that translates the example in the text to (lambda < vars > (let ((u '*unassigned*) (v '*unassigned*)) (let ((a < e1 >) (b < e2 >)) (set! u a) (set! v b)) < e3 >)) Here a and b are meant to represent new variable names, created by the interpreter, that do not appear in the user's program. Consider the solve procedure from section 3.5.4 : (define (solve f y0 dt) (define y (integral (delay dy) y0 dt)) (define dy (stream-map f y)) y) Will this procedure work if internal definitions are scanned out as shown in this exercise? What if they are scanned out as shown in the text? Explain. SOLUTION & DISCUSSION The streams based procedure 'solve' in this exercise exposed several issues in my metacircular evaluator implementation. I discovered that streams are not at all handled properly by my evaluator. Moreover, the &